Multipliers of ICL and ICD
Erasmus+ training course
in Tábor, in the Czech Republic.
Erasmus+ training course. The course should take the place at the turn of August in the town called Tábor, which is in the Czech Republic. This blog is the right place where you can get some news and relevant information: Multipliers of Intercultural learning & dialoge 2016
Objectives of project
By the world “objectives” we mean some reasons for preparing this project and what do we want to achieve.
Sharing realities in different European countries when it comes to challenges related to dealing with cultural diversity – the focus on how it affects young people and their needs Exploring main theories and concepts related to inter-cultural learning and dialogue competence –culture, identity, dialogue, diversity, inclusion-exclusion, mechanisms of stereotyping, prejudices and discrimination, etc.
Becoming more aware about their own identity, culture, stereotypes and prejudiced behaviour patterns and realize that intercultural learning and dialogue is a life-long learning process
Discovering components of intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue competence
Develop skills of youth workers to design and facilitate concrete non-formal learning activities for young people that develop their intercultural understanding, solidarity and inclusion
Empowering youth workers to improve the quality of their youth work by becoming active promoters of intercultural learning and multipliers of intercultural dialogue with their young people – by transversally including ICL&ICD in their daily youth work or through specially design NFL activities.
If you would like to know more information, or would like to comment on the above project please contact with us.